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Pikkie Review

I love to cook. I absolutely adore being in the kitchen and creating something delicious for my family to enjoy, so I guess it was really only a matter of time before Miss2 inherited this.

For some time now I have been wrapping a tea-towel onto my little assistant whenever we work in the kitchen, so it was during a recent discussion with Mr Mumma Trends about birthday and Christmas presents, that we decided that an apron would be a great option for the soon-to-be Miss3. Literally a day after that decision was made, I was contacted by Sue at Pikkie Products, with the idea of reviewing a Mummy/Daughter apron set. Call it what you will, but there was no way I could miss trying these out, and I was keen to assure Sue that they would be WELL tested.

Unfortunately for us, soon after the aprons arrived, we were struck down with the dreaded gastro... so it put my plans on hold, but not for long! I used the time to find a recipe that we would both have fun working on, and even more fun eating. I settled on an Apple & Sultana cake from the Coles magazine, there were lots of steps, and lots of opportunities for Miss2 to be involved. She couldn't wait to wear our 'special matching aprons', and was very excited when we finally got the opportunity.


After becoming retro kitchen queens (otherwise known as putting on our awesome Pikkie 'mod' patterned aprons), we began by finding all of the ingredients and measuring them all out into individual bowls. This meant that when the time came to mix, all I had to do was ask Miss2 to pour them into the large mixing bowl. We also had to make an apple cinnamon topping on the stove, so we set that bubbling in the background too (the house was already smelling amazing by the way).

My assistant was a fabulous pourer, and set to work putting everything into the large bowl for me, and then putting the finished mix (one spoonful at a time) into the cake pan. She was so concerned throughout the process that she would get her special apron dirty, that we went through a lot of paper towels! I decided to leave that little talk to another day...

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I was personally thrilled with the fit of the apron. I would call myself average size, possibly a little short, but I have never been able to find an apron to fit me comfortably. I always have problems with the length, and the strap around the neck. So much so, that in a very loving moment, Mr Mumma Trends lovingly hand made me an apron once! But the Pikkie aprons have an adjustable neck strap, which is brilliant (particularly in the children's apron, as it will allow it to grow with your child), and the length is perfect. Plus the little extra length on the ties allowed me to wrap it around to the front of my waist and tie it there (a personal preference).

The cake finally made it into the oven rather late in the afternoon, and by the time it came out, it was almost dinner time, so it was decided that Miss2 would have to wait until the next day to have some. Unfortunately for her, we couldn't wait that long, and sampled it for dessert that night. When the time did come for Miss2 to have a piece, she was shocked to find a portion of it missing... she concluded that either a mouse, or Mummy must have eaten it (oops!).

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I am pleased to say that she has been asking when we will be cooking together next, and because our aprons now have pride of place hanging together in the kitchen, she asks to wear her apron for even the smallest kitchen task, like making porridge for breakfast!

This idea of a matching Mummy/Daughter apron set has been so well received by my friends and family, who absolutely loved seeing a preview of these photos before they were added to the website. A couple of friends (oh so subtly) hinted that this would make for a wonderful present, and I couldn't agree more! I was planning to put together a little mixing bowl and spoon set for Miss2 to go with her apron at Christmas, and I can't help but think that this apron set would work perfectly with this concept. Not to mention the other beautiful items available at Pikkie, you would have no trouble putting together a delightfully original gift.

I can assure you that these aprons are going to be well used in the Mumma Trends household, and for those of you who are interested, our next cooking project is going to be some yummy sultana and apricot cookies (egg free for preschool) YUM!!!

Kids aprons start at just $24.95 and adults at $34.95.

Shop for them here:


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