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My Squeeze Review

Are you following the ‘nude food’ revolution that has been sweeping through Australian schools and preschools? It’s a concept that is attempting to phase out the copious amounts of packaging that snack foods are typically wrapped in. Not only that, it is also encouraging healthier lunch box options for children.

My Squeeze is taking this concept to a whole new level with squishy, foldable, washable, reusable silicone pouches. Not only can these be used as a food pouch, they can also be used to store and transport yoghurts, purees and smoothies! This, I can assure you, has revolutionised Miss3’s snack time and lunch boxes!


I have spent some time using different pouches for purees and yoghurts over the last year, with both positive and negative results. Most of the time they have been successful, although I can’t count the number of lids that we’ve lost! (Mostly because they look just like the disposable ones). The My Squeeze bottle even has the lid attached, so even the most unorganised mum should be able to keep hold of it!

The way these pouches work is simple, they have a little spout, just like every other pouch, which twists off so there is a nice wide opening to pour your puree or smoothie into it (no drips from me yet, it’s the perfect size!) and then it has a lid that twists over the spout for travel. This lid has undoubtedly the best seal that I’ve come across; it is exactly what you are looking for when wanting to transport purees and smoothies.

So, as you can tell, being Summer, I’ve jumped onto the smoothie bandwagon (well, Miss3 certainly has!) and it has been fabulous being able to make a smoothie in advance, and popping it into the freezer for preschool the next day. Not only does it work as a cooler for the rest of the lunch, it’s perfect by the time it gets drunk, just a little shake, and Miss3 is a happy girl! But, even better, when the weather starts to cool down, you can heat soups in the My Squeeze as well. Simple, smart and easy! Miss3 loves soup, but I can just imagine her response to getting to slurp it using her My Squeeze.


I have been absolutely thrilled to be able to review this product, and Miss3, my mini tester was even more excited when she got to choose an ALL PINK version (this colour was only released at the end of 2014, but knowing three year old girls as well as I do, I can imagine this colour is going to be flying off the shelves). Our My Squeeze has been used daily since arriving in our household, and when we had a visit from a 1 year old earlier this week, it was marvelled over by yet another Trendy Mumma. Definitely a hit and an absolute must for lunchboxes everywhere!

For more information and a list of stockists, visit

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