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Sweet Vanilla Review

I have to admit to spending quite a lot of money over the years on the food pouches that are gradually replacing baby food in jars. Of course, like every first time mother, I had dreams of creating delicious, organic, nutritious purees and meals for my darling child. Needless to say, life got in the way, and it wasn’t always an option. So along came the easy food pouches. Of course, I did attempt to put the purees that I managed to make into the little Tupperware containers that I had invested in, but all it took was a sleep deprived moment of carelessness, and the entire container full of food was now coating the inside of my lovely nappy bag. Yep, we’ve all been there. If only I had Sweet Vanilla’s reusable pouches back then!

So this is a shout out to the mums, who are embarking on the next part of motherhood, the joyful time of introducing solids, as well as those of you who love the convenience of puree pouches, but not the cost.


I have had the delightful task of trialling these reusable food pouches by Sweet Vanilla (well, I put the food into them, Miss3 gets to do the actually testing!). And while she is no longer needing specialty purees, in fact generally eats more than me, these have become a fabulous addition to her preschool lunchbox and everyday snacks. I began the preschool year by including the premade yoghurt pouches that are available everywhere, because Miss3 absolutely loves her yoghurt. However, I soon discovered that the cost of these little pouches was becoming a little excessive, particularly when they became an everyday snack, not just a preschool one. I was resorting to buying only one or two a week, as well as a big tub of natural yoghurt for the rest of the time. I know I’m not alone on this one, because I mentioned it once to my little mother’s group, to discover that there were many mums in a similar position.

The clever pouches so thoughtfully supplied by Clare at Sweet Vanilla have been a wonderful solution to something that I was becoming increasingly frustrated with. I can now happily purchase a huge tub of yoghurt and simply have to spoon it into the pouch as needed. I’ve also been enjoying adding different fruit purees as well, just for a little bit of fun! To use, you just open the pouch at the base using a simple, but very effective zip-lock system, and you add the puree and seal. The fantastic part is that they are so easy to wash out and I just sit them in my draining rack and then use again the next day. I particularly love the little addition that Clare included, a small funnel that can squash down for convenience. It makes adding the purees and anything slightly more liquid, to the pouches so easy. (I’ve had to keep an eye on this particular item, because Mr Mumma Trends has mentioned it would be rather useful with his protein shakes! Cheeky!)


Miss3 however, sings her praises about the beautiful pictures on the pouches, and delights in choosing which one she will use that day, or take with her to preschool. The sweet little cartoon images are just lovely, and also ensure that they are not going to be mistaken for the disposable pouches.

These reusable food pouches from Sweet Vanilla are definitely worth looking into, whether you are just starting out with giving your bub solid food, or if you are more like me, and looking to reducing some costs, and helping keep your food as ‘nude’ as possible.

(Coincidentally, our preschool just mentioned it was recycling week, and challenged us to have as much ‘nude’ food as possible this week, I’m very excited to be able to use the pouches for this challenge!)

A pack of 4 pouches is just $16, funnels $4 & replacement lids $2 for 4.


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